Olive & Almond Tapenade with Goat Cheese Crostini
My mom loved olives- olive oil, plain olives, olive tapenade... One of her favorite hobbies on her many trips to Spain was tasting and shopping for the best olive oils in the world. We would read all the websites that review olive oil and see which vintages and manufacturers were the best and then seek them out. One of the best ways to enjoy olives is as a tapenade, and this one is full of flavor and delicious! Olive tapenade is also great for making ahead and it will keep stored in a refrigerator for weeks. This recipe is from Central Market, which is also one of the best places to buy olives in the bulk foods section where they are about $10/lb. If you want even more olives/olive oil selection, check out Big John's PFI in SODO, Gabrielle's favorite import food store!